As part of PERC’s Innovations in Teaching Political Economy Workshop Series we are co-sponsoring a one-day workshop

Friday 9th October 2015,

The Teaching Grid at University of Warwick

This one-day workshop is an opportunity for scholars of political economy to discuss and debate how they teach the many facets of this interdisciplinary field of study. A teaching focus workshop seeks to bring the same peer-led engagement of research focused workshops & conferences to the teaching element of academic work. All participants are encouraged to share their teaching methods by bringing along course outlines, teaching resources (newspaper articles, films, blogs etc.), assignments, social media tools, games and simulations to share with the group.

The morning session will focus on ‘Decolonising Political Economy’ which takes seriously calls to no longer simply reproduce dominant orthodoxies by reflecting on the European Enlightenment bias in the political economy cannon. The afternoon session focuses on ‘Learning Political Economy through Games and Simulations’ which seeks to foster collaborative engagement on how games can transforming how political economy is taught and learned.

You are warmly invited to participate in this event and the ESRC covers travel expenses, please register here:


10:30 am Welcome

11 am Gurminder Bhambra – Global Social Theory project (

11:45 am Break-away session – Decolonizing the Political Economy Syllabus

Report Back on Morning Session

1pm Lunch

2pm Chris Clarke – Political Economy Games

2:45 pm Break-away session – Games and Simulations

Report Back on Afternoon Session

4pm Coffee

4:30 pm Johnna Montgomerie – #mypoliticaleconomy teaching experiment

5pm Closing Group Discussion on next steps…


The Innovations in Teaching Political Economy workshop series builds on from a successful series of events the University of Warwick and Goldsmiths over the past five years. We seek to bring teachers of political economy together to debate and discuss the pedagogy of political economy. We are not seeking to devise a definitive way of teaching political economy but to promote innovative practices through peer-based learning.



Sponsored by the ESRC Seminar Series (ES/M003051/1) ‘From Recovery to Discovery: opening the debate on alternatives to financialisation

and Politics and International Studies Department (PAIS) at the University of Warwick