PERC Mailing List

Neoliberal Visions of Health

Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

PERC’s new series, Neoliberal Visions of Health, explores how neoliberal culture and policies redraw definitions of global health, welfare and the healthy self, thus influencing how recent national and global health and welfare issues have been approached. Each month, experts from the fields of political economy, economic history and sociology will share their new research on these trends.

The series is conceived as open-ended, and we will keep welcoming new contributions and responses coming from all academic and non-academic backgrounds (including students’ contributions). If you wish to get involved or would like to pitch an idea for a contribution, get in touch with our editor, Carla Ibled (c.ibled[at]

The series is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (no. ES/X007359/1) and the South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS).