
Film screening and Q&A with Director Theopi Skarlatos and Producer, Paul Mason
6:30-8:15pm 8th of March 2016


# ThisIsACoup is a 4-part documentary series, telling the story of how Greece was crushed by austerity and the demands of its creditors over the course of 2015.

PERC will be presenting a screening of the documentary which will be followed by a Q&A, to explore how the film and the issues it raises connect to broader concerns with debt, austerity and neoliberalism.

Joining the discussion will be the film’s Director, Theopi Skarlatos, and Producer, Paul Mason, Economics Editor of Channel 4 News and author of PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future to provide their insight into both the making of the film and the wider context of #ThisIsACoup. Johnna Montgomerie, PERC Deputy Director, will provide a response on connections to the broader politics of debt.


Venue: Screen 5 of The Media Research Building at Goldsmiths, University of London.


This event is free to attend but registration is essential. Please register via eventbrite.