We are delighted to announce details of our 2023-24 speaker series. Talks are held in person at Goldsmiths. Please check back here for links to individual event pages.


25th October – Milena Buchs, University of Leeds – ‘Postgrowth – strategies and challenges for change’ (Event page)

6th December – Théo Bourgeron, University of Edinburgh – ‘The Reactionary Politics of Finance’ (Event page)

7th February – Amin Samman, City University – ‘The desire called libidinal economy’ (Event page)

13th March – Gemma Milne,  Glasgow University – ‘Making a Market for the Metamodern: The Productive Tension of Corporate Futurism’

8th May – Erica Borg, Kings College London – ‘Capital & The Abyss: The Industrialisation of The Deep Sea, 1840-2040’

5th June – Adam Hanieh, University of Exeter – ‘Plastic Economies: Power, Politics, and Ecological Futures Across the ‘East-East’ Petrochemical Circuit’