2016 was a busy year for PERC

In addition to activities and events, our academic team published a rich portfolio of research outputs. We want to showcase the interdisciplinary nature of the type of political and cultural economy research we do here at Goldsmiths. We are committed to Open Access; therefore, these publications are published on Goldsmiths Research Online, just search by name or access publications through staff research profiles.

Co-Director Will Davies  continues to advance the theoretical understanding of how power manifests as neoliberal governance

Davies, W. (2017) ‘How are we now?: Real time mood monitoring as valuation‘ in Journal of Cultural Economy 

Davies, W. (2016) ‘The New Neoliberalism‘ in New Left Review 

In addition to his scholarly work, Will has published extensively in various media outlets;

The Big Mystique, London Review of Books (January, 2017)

How statistics lost their power – and why we should fear what comes next, Guardian Long Read (January 2017)

The Age of Pain, The New Statesman (November 2016)

Home Office rules, London Review of Books (October 2016)

The Age of Post-truth Politics, The New York Times (August, 2016)

Brexit will make things worse. Is that why people voted for it?, The Washington Post (July 2016)

Co-Director Aeron Davis expands his research on power, elites and finance across the disciplines of media, politics and sociology.

Davis, A (2016) ‘The New Professional Econocracy and the Maintenance of Elite Power’ in Political Studies (forthcoming)

Davis, A and Walsh, C. (2015) ‘The Role of the State in the Financialisation of the UK Economy’ in Political Studies, Vol. 64, No. 3, pp 666-682

Davis, A (2015) ‘Embedding and Disembedding of Political Elites: A Filter System Model’ in Sociological Review, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp 144-61

Deputy Director Johnna Montgomerie advances her analysis of the ‘Debt Economy’ and how it compounds inequalities

Montgomerie, J. (2016). “Austerity and the HouseholdBritish Politics  11: 418.

Montgomerie, J. and D. Tepe-Belfrage, (2016). “Caring for Debts: How the Household Economy Exposes the Limits of Financialisation”, Critical Sociology

Montgomerie, J. and D. Tepe-Belfrage (2016). “A feminist moral-political economy of uneven reform in austerity Britain: Fostering financial and parental literacy.” Globalizations 13.6 (2016): 890-905.

Stanley, L., Deville, J. and Montgomerie, J. (2016). “Digital Debt Management: The Everyday Life of AusterityNew Formations, 87 (87), 64-82

Clea Bourne, Co-Covenor of PERC’s Heretical Finance Reading Group, advances our understanding of the mediations of finance by exploring public relations’ role in organising public trust in global markets

Bourne, C. (2016) “Central banking in risk discourses. ‘Remaking’ the economy after crisis”. In: Candlin, C.N., Crichton, J. & Firkins, A.S., (Eds) Communicating Risk. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bourne, C. (2015) ‘Sensemaking in an online community after financial loss: Enterprising Jamaican investors and the fall of a financial messiah,’ New Media &Society.

Bourne, C. (2015) ‘Thought Leadership as a trust strategy in global markets: Goldman Sachs’ promotion of the ‘BRICs’ in the marketplace of ideas’, Journal of Public Relations Research, 27 (4) 322-336.

Nick Taylor recently join PERC as a Research Fellow working with the ESRC Centre for Sustainable Prosperity.

In addition to completing his PhD in 2016, he contributed to the Report to the PSA Commission on Care, (2016) “Towards a New Deal for Care and Carers”

PERC’s wider Goldsmiths network

In this section we want to showcase our wider institutional network that supports the type of interdisciplinary political economy studied here: evidence-led, innovative with a deep skepticism of established theory.

Ragupathy Venkatachalam is a Lecturer in Economics, at the Institute for Management Studies (IMS), and the newest member to the PERC network.

His published research this year continues to advance his theorizing both at the micro and macro level, and he is now the associate editor of Economia Politica [Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics]

Chen, Shu-Heng and Venkatachalam, Ragupathy. 2016. Information aggregation and computational intelligence. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, ISSN 1349-4961

Venkatachalam, Ragupathy and Kumaraswamy, Velupillai Vela. 2016. Notes on a ‘Constructive Proof of the Existence of a Collateral Equilibrium’. Computational Economics, 48(1), pp. 179-181.

Distinguished Professor Bev Skeggs continues to work with PERC in coordination with the Value and Values Unit she leads

Her latest publications are the first to emerge from the data analysis from the ESRC project she is currently working on.

Skeggs (2016) Capital experimentation with person/a formation: how Facebook’s monetization refigures the relationship between property, personhood and protest Information, Communication & Society  Volume 19, Issue 3,

Skeggs (2015) Stratification or exploitation, domination, dispossession and devaluation? The Sociological Review. Volume 63, Issue 2, p1-17.

Skeggs (2015) The methodology of a multi-model project examining how Facebook infrastructures social relations. Information, Communication and Society. pages 205–222

PERC Advisory board member Professor Roger Burrows, Professor of Cities at Newcastle University.

His specialism on elites, inequality and methods helps inform and shape the work done at PERC

Atkinson R, Parker S, Burrows R. Elite Formation, Power and Space in Contemporary London. Theory, Culture & Society 2016.

Glucksberg L, Burrows R. Family Offices and the Contemporary Infrastructures of Dynastic Wealth. Sociologica 2/2016, doi: 10.2383/85289 2016, 2/2016.

Atkinson R, Burrows R, Glucksberg L, Ho HK, Knowles C, Rhodes D, Webber R. International Capital Flows into London Property. Sheffield: SPERI, 2016.

Webber R, Burrows R. Life in an Alpha Territory: Discontinuity and conflict in an elite London ‘village’. Urban Studies 2016, 53(15), 3139-3154.