Coordinated by Johnna Montgomerie and Clea Bourne, the Heretical Finance Reading Group meets monthly to discuss texts providing alternative, multi-disciplinary, non-disciplinary, cultural and critical perspectives on finance, including fictional representations. It is open to all – academics, non-academics, students – and no registration is required.

Meetings take place at 4.30pm on Tuesdays in the basement seminar room at PERC, 41 Lewisham Way, opposite the main Goldsmiths building (how to find Goldsmiths).

The schedule for 2016

Tues 2nd February:     Dodd, Nigel (2014) The Social Life of Money, Princeton University Press.              

Tues 1st March:           Crosthwaite, Paul, Knight, Peter & Marsh, Nicky (Eds) (2014). Show me the money: the image of finance, 1700 to the present. Manchester University Press         

Tues 5th April:             Pettifor, Ann (2014) Just Money: How can society break the despotic power of finance. Commonwealth Publishing          

Tues 3rd May:              James, Deborah (2015) Money from Nothing: Indebtedness and aspiration in South Africa, Stanford University Press              

Tues 7th June:              Orman, Suze (2007) The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke, Riverhead Books

Tues 5th July:                 Melville, Herman (1853/1999). Bartleby the scrivener: A story of Wall Street. Plain Label Books  

Tues 6th September:    Luyendijk, Joris (2015) Swimming with the sharks: My journey into the world of bankers, Guardian Faber Publishing              

Tues 4th October:          Tuckett, David (2011). Minding the Markets: An Emotional Finance View of Financial Instability. Palgrave Macmillan        

Tues 1st November:      Miyazaki, Hirokazu (2013). Arbitraging Japan: dreams of capitalism at the end of finance. University of California Press           

Tues 6th December:      Rich, Nathaniel (2013) Odds Against Tomorrow: A Novel. Macmillan