Critical Macro-Finance Workshop

Warwick Critical Finance Group & Political Economy Research Centre at Goldsmiths

9-10 September 2019 at Goldsmiths, University of London


A decade after the 2008 financial crisis, new political economic imaginaries have emerged to make sense of our financialised world. As the work of scholars such as Adam Tooze and Daniela Gabor has shown, critical macro-finance is one of the most important of these trends. It has shed light on the infrastructure of contemporary global finance, the links between shadow banking, money markets and monetary policy, and the evolving governance architecture established in the wreckage of the crash. This work can seem obtuse and technical at first and in the domain of (heterodox) economics rather than broader political economy traditions. Yet it has important implications for how we understand the categories of ‘state’, ‘market’, ‘governance’ and ‘power’ in the contemporary world.

Following the open and collaborative spirit established at our previous two workshops, the Warwick Critical Finance Group (WCF) and Political Economy Research Centre (PERC) at Goldsmiths are collaborating to explore these implications and move the conversation into new directions. We want to discuss the basic methods of critical macro-finance analysis and debate its uses and misuses for understanding the political economy of global finance. And we seek to break fresh ground for a conversation between critical macro-finance and existing debates and approaches in political economy research. The workshop will take place 9-10 September 2019 at Goldsmiths in London.

Papers and Participants

Instead of the standard panel and paper presentation format, we invite academics who work broadly within the field of critical macro-finance to submit papers that can be used as a basis for discussion of one or more of the following themes:

• How can we politicise critical macro-finance?
• How can we historicise critical macro-finance?
• How does critical macro-finance relate to and inform geopolitics/IPE?
• How does critical macro-finance relate to and inform discussions on the Global South?
• How does critical macro-finance relate to the literature on financialisation?

Accepted papers will be divided into these themes and authors will be asked to give a brief presentation of their papers. However, the main focus of the event is placed on informed debates on the questions posed above between the authors as well as other participants.

Paper proposals should be submitted to in form of an extended abstract (400-500 words) detailing which of the above research theme(s) the paper is suited for by 30 April 2019.

We also have a number of places available for non-presenting participants who are interested in joining the debate.

Registration Fee

The registration fee is £25 for the full two days.


Limited funding is available to support travel expenses for a number of unfunded participants. If you would like to apply for financial assistance, please include a short case for support (max. 200 words) when submitting your abstract.


• Application deadline: 30 April 2019
• Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2019
• Registration deadline: 30 June 2019
• Workshop: 9-10 September 2019

You can find the Call for Papers here, more information to follow soon!